ALTA 2012 Programme
The workshop and tutorials will be held in the Department of
Computer Science, Owheo Building,
133 Union Street East, Dunedin.
Registration will be open from 08:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday in
the department office in the Owheo Building.
Tuesday 4 December
Biomedical Natural Language Processing (Owheo Room 106)
David Martinez (NICTA), Diego Molla Aliod (Macquarie University), Hanna Suominen (NICTA), and Karin Verspoor (NICTA)
Morning: Biomedical NLP tutorial
- 09:00–09:30 Introduction to the domain and motivations for text mining/Biomedical NLP
- 09:30–10:30 Language processing issues and language technology applications in the biomedical domain
- 10:30–10:50 Coffee
- 10:50–11:35 Overview of Shared Tasks
- 11:35–12:20 Overview of platforms, tools, and resources in the domain
Afternoon: Biomedical Application research
- 1:40–2:20 Hanna Suominen (NICTA), Natural Language Processing as Tools for Decision Support in Nursing: From Concept to Implementation
- 2:20–3:00 David Martinez (NICTA), Text Mining for Biosurveillance of Invasive Fungal Diseases
- 3:00–3:20 Coffee
- 3:20–4:00 Diego Molla Aliod (Macquarie University), Text Summarisation for Evidence Based Medicine
- 4:00–4:40 Karin Verspoor (NICTA), Text Mining for protein function prediction
A Crash Course in Statistical Natural Language Processing (Owheo Lab F)
James Curran
9:00–4:40 Coffee and lunch break times will align with the biomedical NLP tutorial.
Wednesday 5 December
8:50–9:00 Opening remarks (Owheo 106)
9:00–10:00 Invited talk (Owheo 106; Chair: Paul Cook)
- Jennifer Hay
Using a large annotated historical corpus to study word-specific effects in sound change
10:00–10:30 Coffee
10:30–12:00 Oral presentations (Owheo 106; Chair: Ingrid Zukerman)
- Angrosh M.A., Stephen Cranefield and Nigel Stanger
A Citation
Centric Annotation Scheme for Scientific Articles
- Michael Symonds, Guido Zuccon, Bevan Koopman, Peter Bruza and
Anthony Nguyen
Semantic Judgement of Medical Concepts: Combining
Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Information with the Tensor Encoding
- Teresa Lynn, Jennifer Foster, Mark Dras and Elaine Uí
Active Learning and the Irish Treebank
12:00–1:30 Lunch
1:30–3:00 Oral presentations (Owheo 106; Chair: Diego Mollá)
- Marco Lui, Timothy Baldwin and Diana McCarthy
Estimation of Word Usage Similarity
- Mary Gardiner and Mark Dras
Valence Shifting: Is It A Valid Task?
- Minh Duc Cao and Ingrid Zukerman
Experimental Evaluation of a
Lexicon- and Corpus-based Ensemble for Multi-way Sentiment
3:00–3:30 Coffee
3:30–4:30 Oral presentations (Owheo 106; Chair: Chris Brockett)
- James Breen, Timothy Baldwin and Francis Bond
Extraction and
Translation of Japanese Multi-word Loanwords
- Yvette Graham, Timothy Baldwin, Aaron Harwood, Alistair Moffat and
Justin Zobel
Measurement of Progress in Machine Translation
4:30–5:30 ALTA business meeting (Owheo 106)
7:30– Conference dinner at Filadelfio's
Thursday 6 December
9:00–10:00 Invited talk (Owheo 206; Chair: Timothy Baldwin)
- Chris Brockett
Diverse Words, Shared Meanings: Statistical Machine Translation for Paraphrase, Grounding, and Intent
10:00–10:30 Coffee
10:30–12:30 Shared session with ADCS (Owheo 106; Chair: Alistair Knott)
- ADCS paper Lida Ghahremanloo, James Thom and Liam Magee
An Ontology Derived from Heterogeneous Sustainability Indicator Set Documents
- ADCS paper Bevan Koopman, Peter Bruza, Guido Zuccon, Michael John Lawley and Laurianne Sitbon
Graph-based Concept Weighting for Medical Information Retrieval
- Abeed Sarker, Diego Molla and Cecile Paris
Towards Two-step
Multi-document Summarisation for Evidence Based Medicine: A
Quantitative Analysis
- Alex G. Smith, Christopher X. S. Zee and Alexandra L. Uitdenbogerd
In Your
Eyes: Identifying Clichés in Song Lyrics
12:30–2:00 Lunch
2:00–2:30 Oral presentation (Owheo 206; Chair: Karin Verspoor)
Iman Amini, David Martinez and Diego Molla
ALTA 2012 Shared Task overview
2:30–2:50 Poster boasters (Owheo 206; Chair: Karin Verspoor)
ALTA posters
- Paul Cook and Marco Lui
langid.py for better language modelling
- Robert Fromont and Jennifer Hay
LaBB-CAT: an Annotation Store
- Jenny Mcdonald, Alistair Knott and Richard Zeng
Free-text input
vs menu selection: exploring the difference with a tutorial dialogue
- Jared Willett, Timothy Baldwin, David Martinez and Angus Webb
Classification of Study Region in Environmental Science
ALTA Shared Task posters
- Marco Lui
Feature Stacking for Sentence Classification in Evidence-based Medicine
- Abeed Sarker
Multi-class classification of medical sentences using SVMs
2:50–3:00 Awards and final remarks (Owheo 206)
3:00–3:30 Coffee
3:30–5:00 Poster session with ADCS (Owheo 106)
7:30–21:30 Boat trip: Meet at 19:00 at wharf, 20 Fryatt St.