ALTA logo Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2012
Call for Papers
Student Travel Support
Invited Talks
Instructions for Authors
Shared Task
Accepted Papers
Location and travel

ALTA 2012 Programme

The workshop and tutorials will be held in the Department of Computer Science, Owheo Building, 133 Union Street East, Dunedin.

Registration will be open from 08:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday in the department office in the Owheo Building.

Tuesday 4 December

Biomedical Natural Language Processing (Owheo Room 106)

David Martinez (NICTA), Diego Molla Aliod (Macquarie University), Hanna Suominen (NICTA), and Karin Verspoor (NICTA)

Morning: Biomedical NLP tutorial

  • 09:00–09:30   Introduction to the domain and motivations for text mining/Biomedical NLP
  • 09:30–10:30   Language processing issues and language technology applications in the biomedical domain
  • 10:30–10:50   Coffee
  • 10:50–11:35   Overview of Shared Tasks
  • 11:35–12:20   Overview of platforms, tools, and resources in the domain

Afternoon: Biomedical Application research

  • 1:40–2:20   Hanna Suominen (NICTA), Natural Language Processing as Tools for Decision Support in Nursing: From Concept to Implementation
  • 2:20–3:00   David Martinez (NICTA), Text Mining for Biosurveillance of Invasive Fungal Diseases
  • 3:00–3:20   Coffee
  • 3:20–4:00   Diego Molla Aliod (Macquarie University), Text Summarisation for Evidence Based Medicine
  • 4:00–4:40   Karin Verspoor (NICTA), Text Mining for protein function prediction

A Crash Course in Statistical Natural Language Processing (Owheo Lab F)

James Curran

9:00–4:40 Coffee and lunch break times will align with the biomedical NLP tutorial.

Wednesday 5 December

8:50–9:00 Opening remarks (Owheo 106)

9:00–10:00 Invited talk (Owheo 106; Chair: Paul Cook)

  • Jennifer Hay
    Using a large annotated historical corpus to study word-specific effects in sound change

10:00–10:30 Coffee

10:30–12:00 Oral presentations (Owheo 106; Chair: Ingrid Zukerman)

  • Angrosh M.A., Stephen Cranefield and Nigel Stanger
    A Citation Centric Annotation Scheme for Scientific Articles
  • Michael Symonds, Guido Zuccon, Bevan Koopman, Peter Bruza and Anthony Nguyen
    Semantic Judgement of Medical Concepts: Combining Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Information with the Tensor Encoding Model
  • Teresa Lynn, Jennifer Foster, Mark Dras and Elaine Uí Dhonnchadha
    Active Learning and the Irish Treebank

12:00–1:30 Lunch

1:30–3:00 Oral presentations (Owheo 106; Chair: Diego Mollá)

  • Marco Lui, Timothy Baldwin and Diana McCarthy
    Unsupervised Estimation of Word Usage Similarity
  • Mary Gardiner and Mark Dras
    Valence Shifting: Is It A Valid Task?
  • Minh Duc Cao and Ingrid Zukerman
    Experimental Evaluation of a Lexicon- and Corpus-based Ensemble for Multi-way Sentiment Analysis

3:00–3:30 Coffee

3:30–4:30 Oral presentations (Owheo 106; Chair: Chris Brockett)

  • James Breen, Timothy Baldwin and Francis Bond
    Extraction and Translation of Japanese Multi-word Loanwords
  • Yvette Graham, Timothy Baldwin, Aaron Harwood, Alistair Moffat and Justin Zobel
    Measurement of Progress in Machine Translation

4:30–5:30 ALTA business meeting (Owheo 106)

7:30– Conference dinner at Filadelfio's

Thursday 6 December

9:00–10:00 Invited talk (Owheo 206; Chair: Timothy Baldwin)

  • Chris Brockett
    Diverse Words, Shared Meanings: Statistical Machine Translation for Paraphrase, Grounding, and Intent

10:00–10:30 Coffee

10:30–12:30 Shared session with ADCS (Owheo 106; Chair: Alistair Knott)

  • ADCS paper Lida Ghahremanloo, James Thom and Liam Magee
    An Ontology Derived from Heterogeneous Sustainability Indicator Set Documents
  • ADCS paper Bevan Koopman, Peter Bruza, Guido Zuccon, Michael John Lawley and Laurianne Sitbon
    Graph-based Concept Weighting for Medical Information Retrieval
  • Abeed Sarker, Diego Molla and Cecile Paris
    Towards Two-step Multi-document Summarisation for Evidence Based Medicine: A Quantitative Analysis
  • Alex G. Smith, Christopher X. S. Zee and Alexandra L. Uitdenbogerd
    In Your Eyes: Identifying Clichés in Song Lyrics

12:30–2:00 Lunch

2:00–2:30 Oral presentation (Owheo 206; Chair: Karin Verspoor)

  • Iman Amini, David Martinez and Diego Molla
    ALTA 2012 Shared Task overview

2:30–2:50 Poster boasters (Owheo 206; Chair: Karin Verspoor)

ALTA posters

  • Paul Cook and Marco Lui for better language modelling
  • Robert Fromont and Jennifer Hay
    LaBB-CAT: an Annotation Store
  • Jenny Mcdonald, Alistair Knott and Richard Zeng
    Free-text input vs menu selection: exploring the difference with a tutorial dialogue system.
  • Jared Willett, Timothy Baldwin, David Martinez and Angus Webb
    Classification of Study Region in Environmental Science Abstracts

ALTA Shared Task posters

  • Marco Lui
    Feature Stacking for Sentence Classification in Evidence-based Medicine
  • Abeed Sarker
    Multi-class classification of medical sentences using SVMs

2:50–3:00 Awards and final remarks (Owheo 206)

3:00–3:30 Coffee

3:30–5:00 Poster session with ADCS (Owheo 106)

  • The above ALTA and ALTA Shared Task posters will be presented, along with 8 posters from ADCS

7:30–21:30 Boat trip: Meet at 19:00 at wharf, 20 Fryatt St.


© ALTA 2012. Workshop Organisers.